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Friday 7 May 2021

Regrow hair with a balanced diet

Hair loss can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B. For example, vitamin B5 contains pantothenic acid and B3 contains niacin – both are essential for hair growth. Vitamin B6 is also important because it contains zinc, sulfur, magnesium and biotin.

Sources of iron:

Apart from vitamin B, vitamin A, C and E also seems to play an important role in the stimulation of hair growth. Vitamin E stimulates the intake of oxygen in the body and improves blood circulation. Vitamin C regulates the normal functioning of capillaries that carries blood to the scalp.

Additionally, you should make sure that your diet contains sufficient amounts of healthy fatty acids, such as: primrose oil, flaxseed oil or salmon oil.

Some important food sources to regrow hair and stop hair loss:

A well balanced diet is required to promote hair regrowth and to keep your hair strong and healthy. This is especially important in winter. Due to the lack of sunlight in winter, the reserves of vitamin D are quickly exhausted, which may cause your hair to lose its strength and shine.

  • Sources of calcium: Milk, cheese, tofu and beans.
  • Regrow hair with a balanced diet:

  • Sources of copper: This can be found in many different food sources. Highest concentrations are found in liver, nuts, cocoa and grains.
    Regrow hair with a balanced diet:
  • Sources of iron: Dried fruits, eggs, fish, liver, chicken. Iron promotes hair regrowth.
  • Sources of iron
  • Sources of magnesium: green vegetables, nuts, soy beans and chickpeas. Magnesium helps your hair to grow faster.
     Sources of iron
  • Sources of potassium: avocados, bananas, dates, figs, garlic, potatoes. Potassium affects blood circulation and is therefore vital for hair growth.
    Sources of iron
  • Sources of selenium: meat, fish and broccoli.
    Sources of iron

  • Sources of silica: Rice, soy beans, and green vegetables. Silica help to regrow hair, further it  nourishes your hair and makes it stronger.
    soy bean

  • Sources of zinc: Seafood, oatmeal, spinach, sunflower seeds. Zinc prevents hair from thinning, dryness and loss and stimulate hair regrowth.

 Important Oils for Hair Care


Castor contains many substances useful for the body that not only help to increase immunity, but also to normalize the work of all, without exception, body systems. We suggest considering how to use castor oil for hair at home.

Masks from castor oil for oily hair

Castor ether differs from others in that it does not oil locks and skin. Moreover, if you use it, then strands do not form a film, or a dirty plaque this is another of its features. Considering the fact that castor oil helps to strengthen and increase the density of dry, fatty, thin and split hair, this indicator is very useful. Strands are restored, but they do not become heavier at the same time.

Choosing from most options, the most simple and affordable hair mask, the application of which is possible every day it’s pure castor oil, applied to the head of hear to strengthen and eliminate the split ends. This is one of the few ethers that can be applied undiluted.

Castor also helps to increase the thickness and thickness of fat curls. We recommend a product that includes ascorbic acid and ylang-ylang oil. It is necessary to take three ascorbic, crush them and mix with 5 drops of ylang and a spoon of castor oil. This is very useful for folds of fatty or combined type, generally without volume.

Tea Tree For Hair 

If you suffer from dry curls and itchy scalp, the essential oil of tea tree for hair can become just a salvation. This remedy has been used for hundreds of years as an antiseptic, an antibiotic and an antifungal medicine. Consider what useful properties this ether has, how to apply it and the necessary precautions.

The Benefits of Tea Tree

Normal shampoos and conditioners contain harmful and aggressive chemicals, and their regular use can eventually damage the curls, it is here that the tea tree oil comes to the rescue, let’s see what is useful for this hair.

If you want to know how to use tea tree oil for hair growth, then you just need to heat the chosen base (yogurt, olive oil, sour cream), and dilute the tea ether in it. We apply only to the roots, we wrap our head in a towel and keep the mask for about an hour. To do in a day.

Very good feedback about a simple technique; just dilute a few drops of the drug in your favorite shampoo. In this case, you will get an incredibly effective home remedy for dandruff or fungi. Not one women’s forum advises the same thing to do with your favorite professional hair mask, and with balm.

Many are interested, is it true that tea tree oil slows the growth of facial hair? The reaction of the skin to the ether in its pure form can be very ambiguous, on the one hand, it can actually pin sebum and remove excess hairs (in time), but if you smear your face with a layer of undiluted oil, you will get a skin burn. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor beforehand.

Sesame Oil for Hair

 Sesame Oil for Hair

In the care of dry and lifeless hairs, sesame oil for hair is not the least important. This remedy contains a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements that are incredibly useful for our appearance. We suggest in our article to consider recipes with sesame extract, as well as its useful properties.

Useful properties and principle of action of sesame seeds

Why is sesame seed particularly popular? Firstly, it attracts its price, in terms of volume/cost ratio it is much more affordable than peach or even more coconut, but it is not inferior in quality. Secondly, it’s just an ideal tool for caring for dry and curly hair, this product smoothes the strands, gives the hairstyle lightness and shine.

Not many people know, but the oil components of these wonder-grains are also used for hair growth. For this procedure, you need to buy burdock oil, sesame oil, and honey. All individually heated to a pleasant warmth (honey to a relative softness or even a liquid), then we connect in equal parts. Apply on roots, keep at least an hour. We use it every other day, if you wish, daily use is not prohibited.

There is another rather exotic plant amla, which, together with sesame seeds, truly works wonders; the strands after the first application become much stronger and shiny, the loss disappears. Just at home, we mix a tablespoon of liquid amla and sesame, warm it and rub it into the scalp with a sponge or cotton swab. Leave for 40 minutes / an hour, rinse with warm water.

Everyone knows how useful fats are, saturated with omega-3-acids. We suggest considering how fish oil for hair works, how useful this drug is, and how to do effective masks with it.

Fish Oil for Hair

Fish or cod liver oil is often used in medicine to prevent many diseases of the nervous and circulatory system. Doctors prescribe this biological supplement to children in order to saturate the body with polyacids (in particular, omega-3, which is necessary to stimulate the brain and prevent rickets).

Benefits of Fish Oil for Hair and How to Use

Masks for hair from fish oil

It’s often used fish oil for hair growth, especially if you use burdock oil. Mix in equal parts preparations, and then heat on low heat. Having received a sufficiently hot oily liquid, using a cotton swab or a special pipette (often goes along with burdock ether), rub in the hair. They need to be covered with a plastic bag and a towel, and leave for 40 minutes. It is allowed to do it every two days.

Similarly, you can just rub the product into the roots. Harm will not be accurate, especially if you still drink its capsules. In addition, fish oil can be mixed with any other fats, say, jojoba oil, castor oil, olive oil and even sunflower.

In order to give strength to dry and delicate hair, mix cod liver oil with sea buckthorn oil and honey. All in equal parts necessarily warm, very intensively rub in the roots, after combing and cover the strands with a towel. Hold for 20 minutes, do every three days.

Coconut Oil for Oily and Dry Hair

Benefit of coconut oil

Coconut Oil for Oily and Dry Hair

Natural remedies are very often used by girls to improve the condition of the brace. We offer to consider how natural coconut oil for hair is used, for the treatment of dry split ends, fat curls, its benefits and instructions for use for different types of braces.

Coconut oil is the most popular oil in the world for personal care. Country of origin Thailand, but now you can find made in Germany, the US, Ukraine, and Russia. This remedy is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, which are useful for the human body. Another undoubted advantage is that the product is universal, it is used in cosmetic mixtures, cooking, aromatherapy, massage, etc.

Advantages and properties of coconut oil

Coconut oil for hair various means using herbs and coconut ether are used to prevent hair loss. It helps even with developing alopecia.

The use of the drug significantly reduces protein loss.

This oil is enriched with lauric acid, which has a high resemblance to the hair protein, easily penetrates into the strand, due to its low molecular weight. Thanks to this, he can successfully replace air conditioners for curls, masks, even oil shampoos for shine.

Very useful is the cooling effect. It helps people with increased sweating, problems with sebaceous glands, pimples on the head, and after a sunburn.

This product has a high ability to retain moisture, thanks to large molecules. It helps to restore dry fine hair, strengthens the roots.

Ayurveda claims that unrefined coconut oil is the best conditioner for hair, reviews at the forum say that it simply does not have competitors among synthetic drugs, it not only facilitates easy combing but also helps with loss, acts as a growth activator.

Using warm coconut oil for hair helps to keep flicker and softness.

Important! Before using coconut oil for hair, you need to test for allergies.

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