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Monday 3 May 2021

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(1) Be an Early Riser

Wake up 2-3 hours before sunrise. At this time, we breathe in nutritional elements in the fresh air like vitamins we inhale instead of swallow. Peace and tranquility sets in, and our body and mind refreshes. There is extraordinary peace and silence we will never encounter again in the day or night. In an hour, we hear the birds sing, and we tune in more to nature. The sounds of activity begins, and we are ready to face the day.
Scientifically, we respire the kind of distinctive and pure oxygen that is accessible in the earth's atmosphere only for the period between 3am to just before sunrise. At the same time, we move our muscles to refresh our bodies and stimulate blood circulation. The distinctive oxygen disappears from the atmosphere as soon as the sun rises and will not appear again until the next morning.

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(2) Prayer, Meditation and Reflection

Nurture the self by praising the creator, calm yourself through meditation and reflect on the peacefulness and oneness of nature. Praying, meditating or reflecting in the hours before dawn brings concentration and serenity, as this time of day is without distraction and noise. When relaxed, the body becomes efficient in functioning, the mind calmer and the spirit happier. In this state of mind, problems seem trifle.

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(3) Self-esteem

The health of our cells is reflected in how we view ourselves. The functioning and intelligence of our body cells is governed by our self-respect and confidence. Through the mind-body connection (acknowledged by modern science), our own healthy self-esteem becomes part of physical healing.
In mind-body medicine, a chemical goes where a thought goes. This explains why the chemically depressed are four times more likely to get sick - distressed mental states get converted into bio-chemicals that create disease.
Create the body you want. Be comfortable with your thoughts. If they send a distress signal to your body, it's time to change the thoughts.

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(4) Prostration

Practiced by many religions, it is an act of obeisance towards the Higher Creator, giving up our false pride in one simple gesture of humility. In physiology, the act of prostrating brings many health rewards.
Fix your sight on the ground in front of you and prostrate towards it, with your forehead touching the ground, and your palms by the side of your head supporting your position. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds before getting up again. When in this position, you get a transient refuge from agonizing problems.
Prostration is unique in that it is the only position in which the brain (or head) becomes lower than the heart. For the first time, the blood gushes towards the brain with full force whereas in all other positions (even when lying down), the brain is above the heart where it has to work against gravity to send blood to the brain. Due to the increased blood supply during prostration, the brain receives more nourishment, which in turn has a good effect upon memory, vision, hearing, concentration, psyche and all other cognitive abilities.
Practice it as many times as you can, with 21x at a minimum, spread over the day.

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(5) Balance the emotions

To soothe anger and hostility, place just one drop of sandalwood oil on the area between the eyebrows, temples, throat, breastbone, navel and wrists.

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(6) Avoid the sun

Wear loose-fitting clothes to protect the skin, not shorts or short sleeves. Frequent exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer, especially when a person has many moles on the body. The sun also causes dryness, wrinkles and age spots, so it leads to aging. 

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(7) Avoid anxiety

Anxious people are not able to relax. When this happens the body suffers physiological changes: increased blood pressure and heart rate, muscle tension, and intestinal upset. Insomnia sets in, and the lack of sleep causes further health troubles. To calm oneself, press firmly on the 'heart' of the left palm using the right thumb. This spot can be located by making a fist with the left hand with the fingers resting in the middle of the palm. The 'heart' of the palm is the point where the middle finger ends. Press this point for one minute, then let go.

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(8) Relaxation

When faced with responsibilities of the day, and mountain loads of work, it is important to break the process of stress-building on the body. Prolonged periods of stress put the system under duress. It causes mental and emotional tension, not to mention physical ailings such as colitis, eczema and asthma. Stress also shows on your face and posture, and it is not a pretty sight.
When under duress, our healing mechanism decelerates. To put this back into order, learn any relaxation techniques (anything from meditation to deep breathing) and apply this for 15-20 minutes in-between periods of exertion during the day, and a few minutes before retiring at night. Be conscious of the nothingness at the pause between deep breathings. Now you're calm in the early morning when you arise before sunrise, during the day, and at night. Your health will improve faster, and so will your quality of life.

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(9) Visualization

Close your eyes. Relax. Breathe deeply. Then picture in your mind the positive outcome of what you wish for.

Anti Aging Tips and Practices for the Family

(10) Keep a Straight Posture

Energy flows upward when the backbone is straight, making the awareness keen and active. When the vertebral column is crunched, energy flow becomes unsettled and vitality is dimmed. Keep the head up, with the eyes straight ahead and the shoulders upright.

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